Week 9

2 min readJan 7, 2021

Back on Dec 19, after much studying for Python and SQL and not knowing what direction to go in, I stumbled upon a webinar on Meetup about building a Data Science Portfolio.

Now, I like to consider this either serendipity or a sign of God, but when I listened into it, the course went into depth about the power of DS/DA (data science/data analytics), its financial viability, the demand for it, and opened my eyes for what it could be. I then found out this webinar was sponsored/presented by the CEO of a different boot camp.

This boot camp is based in Toronto, and was MUCH cheaper than the other ones I was considering, so long story short I ended up signing up for it (despite having qualms of it being too good to be true, having a pre-course set-up with the CEO for 2 hours really relieved me). The portfolio I’m supposed to build after this is impressive, and I’m really excited to begin.

The boot camp starts today at 6:30pm. Having the pre-course set-up helped with reigniting direction and allowed me to go and study more Python/SQL as well as I could, but at this point, I just have to jump in for the next 6 weeks. Hopefully I’ll come out with more assurance after I’m finished, but the hockey fan in me would like to take whatever knowledge I have afterwards and apply it to my own projects, perhaps tinkering with more stats that I could use to hopefully work my way into the sports field. It’s a big turning point in this odd point of my life, and I’m excited/nervous to start.

